Dear Eatdrink Community Members,
Eatdrink is officially on the comeback trail! We are looking forward to our relaunch in September, and we are anticipating readers will be able to find us at our customary locations. We have some new ideas to reveal, as that time approaches, as we all discover what “the new normal” will be. As usual, there is certainly no shortage of great stories to tell.
We know that the restaurant, hospitality and tourism industries will continue to be as creative as ever in delivering excellent and memorable experiences to their customers. There is a great thirst and hunger for the social interactions and activities that the pandemic curtailed or made impossible. As the restrictions on gathering are relaxed, we trust that while the pandemic is not officially over, the situation will continue to improve. Many things will be as we remember them, but we have all changed to some degree, and much will be different. Eatdrink will be pleased to help our readers get back in the loop, and help celebrate this comeback for so many businesses and creative people.
Follow us on our social media channels for more updates, as well as information on the exciting opportunities available here and now. Continue to support local initiatives and businesses as they make big changes once again.
We sincerely lament the loss of some many lives, and the heavy toll the pandemic took on so many livelihoods. So much occurred beyond anyone’s control. We will honour those memories, in time, but also turn our attention to a brighter future. We are all in this together. We look forward to getting back to a regular publishing schedule soon, and serving our readers and customers with the Eatdrink magazine they love, still free and always worth reading cover to cover.
Please continue to take care,
Chris McDonell